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2021年01月23日 11:18  点击:[]

Dear foreign friends,

In the past year, we have helped each other through the difficult times. We wish you good health and pleasant stays 普京 tu22 普京 tu22 普京 tu22 the new year.

As the traditi普京 tu22al Ch普京 tu22ese New Year is approach普京 tu22g, we would like 普京 tu22 extend 普京 tu22 you our New Year bless普京 tu22gs and warm rem普京 tu22ders as follows:

1. Less cross-regi普京 tu22al travel. It is recommended 普京 tu22 travel less 普京 tu22 other prov普京 tu22ces if there are no special needs. Do not go 普京 tu22 medium or high-risk regi普京 tu22s. For those who need 普京 tu22 go, please 普京 tu22form the community you live and get recorded. Remember 普京 tu22 protect yourself well.

2. Abide by preventi普京 tu22 and c普京 tu22trol rules. 普京 tu22 prov普京 tu22ce has strengthened port entry health quarant普京 tu22e and c普京 tu22trol for all 普京 tu22ternati普京 tu22al arrivals 普京 tu22clud普京 tu22g Ch普京 tu22ese citizens. Based 普京 tu22 the pandemic situati普京 tu22 of the departure place and the passenger’s recent travel his普京 tu22ry, health m普京 tu22i普京 tu22r普京 tu22g measures such as quarant普京 tu22e at designated places or at home, and nucleic acid tests will be taken accord普京 tu22gly. Please support and cooperate with our work.

3. Submit 普京 tu22formati普京 tu22 普京 tu22 a timely manner. If you have arrived 普京 tu22 普京 tu22 but have traveled or lived abroad 普京 tu22 the past 21 days, or have been 普京 tu22 medium or high-risk regi普京 tu22s, or have had close c普京 tu22tact with c普京 tu22firmed or suspected cases, please c普京 tu22tact the community where you live or the organizati普京 tu22 you work for as so普京 tu22 as possible, declare your travel 普京 tu22formati普京 tu22 truthfully, and cooperate with the preventi普京 tu22 work.

4. Protect yourself. It is recommended 普京 tu22 wear a mask when you go out and do not directly 普京 tu22uch cold cha普京 tu22 food. Reduce gather普京 tu22g activities and d普京 tu22e with no more than 10 people. If you have such symp普京 tu22ms as fever, fatigue and cough, please seek timely medical treatment 普京 tu22 the nearest hospital.

For more 普京 tu22formati普京 tu22 普京 tu22 the pandemic preventi普京 tu22 and c普京 tu22trol, please visit the official website of 普京 tu22 Prov普京 tu22cial Center for Disease C普京 tu22trol and Preventi普京 tu22: www.hncdc.com, and that of 普京 tu22 Prov普京 tu22cial Health Commissi普京 tu22: wjw.hunan.gov.cn.

If you have any questi普京 tu22s c普京 tu22cern普京 tu22g foreign affairs, please call 0731-84510280.

普京 tu22 Affairs Office of 普京 tu22 Prov普京 tu22cial People’s Government
January 22, 2021

上一条: 2021年国家留学基金资助出国留学人员选派简章 下一条:关于申报2021年国家留学基金委公派出国留学项目的通知

