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2021年02月09日 16:36  点击:[]

Virtual Summer Camp

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas ( LPU ) , Philippines,will organize the 1st World Laurel Exchange Program ( A Virtual SummerCamp ) , tagged : WorldLEX2021, and it will be conducted via Zoom on 22 - 27 March, 2021 .

This program is specially designed toprovide a complete learning experience and enlightenment on the bestpractices in community service and community extension .

Further, participants will also beentertained with the presentation of arts and culture of Bantangas, the virtualtours of tourist spots in the Philippines, and other knowledge basedactivities.

The program is offered to activemembers Free of Charge, and at the end of the program, an e - certificate willbe awarded to each participant . ( Program & Poster attached )

Thus, we encourage students to avail ofthis program, and the registration deadline is on March 15, 2021.

International Office of HUHST

上一条:2021年度俄罗斯教育部资助公派南联邦体育彩票足球竞彩网app留学介绍 下一条:关于学生体育彩票足球竞彩网app参加美国国际体育彩票足球竞彩网app孟加拉国分校(AIUB)“2021年民俗乐”体育彩票足球竞彩网app的体育彩票足球竞彩网app

